
How to add RoleManager in Asp.Net 8.0

Previously I used something like the following: But with the release of Asp.Net 8.0 it is more like this: Obviously this only applies if you’re using the new API Identity framework.

If I could start again…

One thing I would definitely do is prioritise SQL from the start. SQL is an essential tool in any web developers toolkit and touches upon almost everything you do in this area. Thus far I have dodged the problem by…

Tech blogging is always good

I cannot count the number of times on my journey that I have used a code snippet or a concept from someone’s blog to further a project, and I’m grateful for that. For my part, creating a decent and informative…

AI isn’t going to deliver – part 2

Following on from my abstract rumination on the limitations of AI here’s a Youtube video that visits the subject at a day-to-day level. I disagree with the conclusion of the video however: that AI will be turned into a tool…